training of staff in LGB and transgender care, developed nondiscrimination policies for both patients and staff, commitment to using preferred names and pronouns even when different from legal documents, commitment to public support of the community, and providing  facilities and resources. All practices and facilities that earn certification will be reviewed annually by BCBS-RI. 


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For LBGTQA community, interacting with the medical and mental health care systems can be an overwhelming experience. Experiences ranging from overt discrimination to subtle aggressions in use of language by providers and office staff can create a hostile environment for our community. Research has shown that experiences of oppression, aggression and discrimination by health care providers are barriers to LGBTQA individuals seeking much-needed care.

In an effort to vet providers and inform the public of safe medical and mental health practices and facilities, Blue Cross Blue Shield of Rhode Island launched its Safe Zone Certification Program. Wilder Therapy & Wellness is pleased to announce that the practice has earned BCBS-RI's certification as a practice that provides affirming care for the community.

Certification is granted to practices and facilities that commit to affirming care in a number of ways including ensuring ongoing

Wilder Therapy Earns Safe Zone Certification

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